
Grok-1.5V (V for visual) brings exciting new abilities to AI. It can now understand images alongside text. This makes it a multimodal model that can process different types of information.

The model shines at tasks like reasoning about science diagrams and analyzing charts. It’s also great at making sense of screenshots and photos.

Grok-1.5V builds on the strengths of its predecessor. Grok-1.5 scored well on math and coding tests. The new version adds visual skills to this solid foundation.

You’ll soon be able to try Grok-1.5V if you’re an existing Grok user. It promises to open up new ways to interact with AI using both words and pictures.

This update shows how quickly AI is evolving. Models that can understand multiple types of input bring us closer to AI that can make sense of the world more like humans do.

New usecases of Grok AI with visual capabilities

1) Writing code from screenshots

New usecases of grok-1.5v writing code from drawings

2) Helping you understand images

Usecase grok1.5v understanding images

3) Extracting data

Grok with visual extracting data usecase

4) Calculation and Real-world understanding

Calculation and Real-world understanding grok-v

Questions about Grok 1.5V

What’s new in the latest Grok update?

Grok 1.5V brings exciting changes to the table. This update allows Grok to understand images, a big leap from its text-only predecessor. You can now show Grok pictures, charts, and diagrams. It can analyze these visuals and give you insights.

The new version also has:

  • Better reasoning skills
  • Longer memory (128,000 tokens)
  • Improved math abilities

How does the new Grok compare to older versions?

Grok 1.5V outshines its older siblings in several ways. It’s much smarter at solving tricky problems. The biggest change is its ability to see and understand pictures. This opens up a whole new world of tasks Grok can help with.

Some key improvements:

  • Visual processing
  • Stronger reasoning
  • Bigger memory capacity
  • Better at math