Can You Use Grok AI for Free?

Using Grok AI for free is generally not possible, as access typically requires an X Premium subscription starting at $8 per month. Here's what we know:
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Based on the most current information available, using Grok AI for free is generally not possible. Here’s what we know:

  1. Grok AI is typically only accessible with an X Premium and Premium+ membership, which requires a paid subscription.
  2. The subscription for X paid plans that include access to Grok AI start at $8 per month.
  3. Some users have expressed frustration at not being able to test Grok AI for free, indicating that there isn’t a widely available free version.

However, it’s worth noting that there may occasionally be limited-time free trials or promotional offers. For example, some sources mention a free trial for X Premium users, but these offers may be temporary or restricted to certain user groups.

In summary, while there might be occasional opportunities to try Grok AI for free, it generally requires a paid subscription to use regularly.

Also, Grok-1 has since been opensourced. So if you are technical enough, you can work some magic around it.

Articles: 18